Sunday, November 25, 2007


Weechat-curses has become my favorite IRC chat software. Why? I think because of its simplicity, but it can handle many diverse tasks.

So how does one get this software in Ubuntu?

sudo apt-get install weechat-curses weechat-plugins

Ubuntu will now install the software for you. One thing to note is if you want weechat to automatically sign you in as a certain user, you will need to edit weechat.rc

sudo gedit /home/user-name/.weechat/weechat.rc

Towards the bottom you will see this:

server_name = "freenode"
server_autoconnect = on
server_autoreconnect = on
server_autoreconnect_delay = 30
server_address = ""
server_port = 6667
server_ipv6 = off
server_ssl = off
server_password = ""
server_nick1 = ""
server_nick2 = ""
server_nick3 = ""
server_username = "none"
server_realname = "none"
server_hostname = ""
server_command = ""
server_command_delay = 0
server_autojoin = ""
server_autorejoin = on
server_notify_levels = ""

Just edit the needed fields to what you want and enjoy. To launch start your Terminal and type in weechat-curses.


1 comment:

Nice Guy said...

You can connect to IRC chat servers @